Sat-Sun 1:00 pm — 6:30 pm
Mon-Fri 1:00 pm — 5:00 pm
Howlt Coffee uses an original blend of beans based on Brazilian beans with a chocolate nutty flavor and Colombian beans with a subtle acidity and rich mouthfeel. The two beans are blended and roasted at the green bean stage in order to bring out the best of each bean's characteristics and create a consistent taste. The medium-deep roast gives a deep sweetness like bitter chocolate or cacao in the first sip, followed by a fruity acidity as it cools down, allowing you to enjoy the changes in taste over time. We use beans that have aged to their best state after a few days of roasting, and carefully read the delicate changes in the beans' state to provide our customers with a cup of coffee that they will enjoy even more.
Howlt Coffee started in 2017 as a fictitious coffee shop that first carries out full-fledged branding, sells goods at online stores, and aims to become a real store using its profits. It was an experimental project that looked for a new method to a successful brand, with a different starting point than the usual design flow. In 2018, a solo exhibition at UltraSuperNewGallery in Harajuku and then he did on holding a pop-up shop in Kyoto. Finaly a real store Howlt Coffee opened on the site of Fukuoka Daimyo Elementary School in Fukuoka. It is a graphical store with painted main graphics and silk-screen typography. We offer a unique coffee shop that combines art, design, and coffee culture.